Monday, December 13, 2010

BITAG Membership

As mentioned in my previous post, I have received a number of questions regarding becoming a member in the BITAG and how to join. Though some minor details could change, here is the process:


BITAG is open to any individual or organization in the Internet ecosystem with an interest in the mission of the BITAG, though there are some requirements. Namely, Members must have the willingness and ability to actively participate in the BITAG’s Technical Working Group (TWG), meaning that entity members (companies and other organizations) must be able to appoint an employee that meets the requisite technical requirements and members who are individuals must themselves meet the requisite technical requirements.  Members must also be willing to bear their appropriate share of the expenses through the payment of annual membership dues.

Membership Type.  There are two types of members, Participating Members and Observing Members.  Participating Members are full dues paying Members that have the right to fully participate in all aspects of the BITAG while Observing Members will have lesser rights of participation.  Observing Members will also have lower dues than Participating Members.  Participating Members will have the right to appoint a representative to the TWG, elect directors and vote on issues brought before the BITAG members.  Observing Members will have the right to observe TWG and BITAG proceedings.

Member Categories.  We have divided BITAG members into five categories designed to roughly reflect the broad constituencies identifiable across the Internet ecosystem.  These categories are: 1. Application Providers, 2. Community Representatives, 3. Content Producers, 4. Equipment Manufacturers, and 5. Internet Connectivity Providers.  To be sure, in the ever-changing world these categories are not perfect and blur together, but these five look to work well for purposes of BITAG membership.


The Application.

·      First, simply download a Membership Application.
·      Next, fill out the Application and sign.
·      Then, simply return the completed Application to

Please note the application should include the resume and/or CV of yourself or your organization’s proposed TWG Representative. Also, you must select which Member Category you or your organization falls into. For organizations, the selection should be based on your source of revenue and line of business.

Application Review and Notice.  Once we receive your application, it will be reviewed.  You will be notified by email of whether your application was accepted or denied (at the email address you provide on the application).  This email will contain the next steps, and if you have been accepted it will also include an invoice for membership dues.  If you feel your application has been denied mistakenly, please feel free to contact us at

Finally, if anything does not seem clear or if you have additional questions, please feel free to email me at or Kaleb at

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